Thursday, November 18, 2010

TSA Fact or Myth

The room is spinning from the spin generated by this. [Link]
Myth: The TSA pat-down is invasive
Fact: Only passengers who alarm a walk through metal detector or AIT machine or opt out of the AIT receive a pat-down. For this reason, it is designed to be thorough in order to detect any potential threats and keep the traveling public safe. Pat-downs are performed by same-gender officers and all passengers have the right to a private screening with a travel companion at any time.
None of what you said denies it being invasive.
Myth: The pat-down is a punishment for opting out of the AIT.
Fact: There’s nothing punitive about it - it just makes good security sense.  And the weapons and other dangerous and prohibited items we’ve found during pat downs speak to this. 
If you find the pat-down unpleasant, then please walk through our nudity scanner.
Myth: There has been an overwhelming public outcry against AIT.
Fact:  A recent CBS News Poll found that 4 in 5 Support Full-Body Airport Scanners 
4 in 5 support it because the question never mentioned the nudity.

This all leads to the boiled frog problem. We are being boiled a bit at a time.

Where does it end?

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