Thursday, January 06, 2011

Tablets that may actually be iPad competitors

Finally, after a year to itself in the market, real competition to the iPad is on the way.

First, how do you compete with the iPad? [Link]
On Tuesday, for example, the first of many (many many MANY) iPad-esque devices was formally announced. That’s no different from what was happening this time last year. The official mascot of CES 2010 was a slate based on the Android OS and the nvidia Tegra 2 processor. But in 2011, these devices have actual logos on them, and their makers can at least hint at a price and an actual ship date. Last year, the tech companies just wanted to demonstrate that they could build a slate if they wanted to. They were waiting to see what Apple was going to do with their rumored tablet.
This year, they know damned well what Apple did: Apple made a shipload of money.
The Motorola Xoom.

BlackBerry PlayBook

These are going to be the competition to the iPad 2 when it comes out. Competition is a good thing and I look forward to see what they do.

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