Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Flea Party vs. Tea Party

Compare and contrast. [Link]
Okay, so now that you’ve read a bunch of stuff about how evil/crazy/stupid/brainwashed the Tea Party is, but without anything specific cited, (because obviously, if you are against ridiculous government spending, you’re racist), we can continue. You probably also noticed that whenever anyone tried to argue any points, someone would bring up “But Bush did it toooooo!” Uh huh… And how popular do you think Bush is with most of the Tea Party folks? (more popular than Obama, but that isn’t saying a whole lot).

In the last month we’ve all seen Occupy Wall Street on the news. Lots of people got together to protest something. All we could really tell was that they were angry about “stuff.” They’ve occupied our cities for weeks now. Last I heard about fourteen hundred people have been arrested for various crimes ranging from destruction of property, drug related offenses, all the way up to assault.

In some of the cities, they’ve made a huge, nasty, stinky mess. And this isn’t a right wing smear, talk to anybody you know that lives in New York about what the sanitation is like there right now. Thousands of people that haven’t showered for days, peeing in the gutters can get a little gross. (hence, flea party) Locally, ours have been pretty clean. For us we basically have a slightly higher number of homeless people hanging out in Pioneer Park than usual.

Sure, we are all enjoying the pictures of protestors having sex in the streets and pooping on police cars, but less entertaining are the protestor’s quotes about killing the rich and taking their stuff, through violent revolution, and that sort of unpleasantness. They’ve got the Communists on their side too, and we all know what a peaceful bunch they are, and things that they are involved with never turns out bad. Sure, there was that whole industrial murder society thing they had going on for most of the last century, but whatever…

The Occupy folks are mostly white too, though I’ve not heard that bandied around as proof of de facto racism like it is for the Tea Party.

So Tea Party, doesn’t advocate violence, doesn’t make a mess, is polite, has a simple platform, and then goes back to work the next day = RACIST EXTREMIST VIOLENT NAZI WHACKJOBS!!!

Occupy Wall Street has thousands arrested, makes a mess, wants to guillotine rich folks, has a platform that reads like a less literate version of the Communist Manifesto, and camps out for weeks because they’ve not got anything better to do = REFRESHING VOICE FOR CHANGE.

Sure, nasty disease ridden hippie orgies are fun and all, but let’s take a look at what they’re protesting… For the first few weeks I thought it was that they were against “Greed”. Wow. That’s a bold statement. Take that Pro-Greed forces. Okay, specifically, they were against the bailouts. Cool. So was I. Funny, so was the Tea Party. You know what’s ironic though? You know who WASN’T against the bailouts? The guy I’m willing to bet most of the Occupiers voted for last time and will probably vote for again.

So the Tea Party and the Occupiers agree that government bailing out big corporations is bad. The difference between these two protestor groups (besides personal hygiene, coherence, the amount of taxes they’ve paid, and the ability to pass a drug screening) is their answer. The Tea Party wants to make the government smaller so they can’t do stuff like this. The Occupiers want to reward the guilty party and make it bigger and more powerful, because… Hell… I can’t figure it out.

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