Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Why you should vote Republican if you value civil liberties

Because the media can ask tough questions, but only if the target is Republican. [Link]
Now, of course, with a Democrat in the White House, we’re seeing many people who screamed about the Patriot Act having little-to-nothing to say about either this story or this one.
I’ve said it before and will say it again — it’s not good for the country when its press becomes selective about what it feels is worth examining, or not. But if the press will not do due diligence, it’s up to the rest of us to inform ourselves.
To be fair, CBS News does seem to be Curious about “Fast and Furious” but otherwise, it’s a non-story to the press.
Odd. Remember when they all chimed in that George W. Bush was “incurious”? You could have made a montage of them all using the word.
You can read my whole column, here
Ed Morrissey has an excellent piece and video
 on the “Fast and Furious” story, to bring us all up to speed.
Glenn Reynolds: links (thanks, Glenn!) and also makes a seriously cogent observation:
. . .fans of civil liberties should always vote for Republican presidents, since they’re the only ones that get press scrutiny.
I’ve never looked at it that way, but he is very right: if the press will only critically examine vitally important policies when a Republican is in charge, then that alone might be reason enough to vote one in. I’d said repeatedly that I’d rather have a critical press questioning everything, than a complacent one playing advocate or Sgt. Schultz!
Ace has more Fast and Furious

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