Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Occupy Providence protests Catholic Schoolgirls by throwing condoms at them

So does this mean the 1% are Catholic Schoolgirls? Catholic Schoolgirls are responsible for high student loans? Catholic Schoolgirls are greedy, fat-cat bankers? [Link]
Because nothing says speaking truth to power like standing up to little girls. Right?
PROVIDENCE, RI, January 30, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) – Demonstrators from the Occupy Wall Street movement threw condoms on Catholic schoolgirls, refused to allow a Catholic priest to give a closing prayer, and shouted down a pro-life speaker at a Rhode Island right to life rally on Thursday, according to its organizer. The event marked the third time protesters associated with the movement have disrupted a pro-life meeting in a week.
About two-dozen members of Occupy Providence hiked from Burnside Park to the 39th Annual Pro-Life State House Rally organized by the Rhode Island State Right to Life Committee on Thursday.
Classy… BTW, Aren’t these folks always saying they’re all about free speech? How exactly does shouting other people down qualify as a defense of free speech?
UPDATE I: As Glenn Reynolds points out, if you threw bacon at Muslims you’d be a racist.
I am pro choice and I am appalled at this. The more the Occupy crowd hangs around, the more reprehensible they appear. I do not think they get that.

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