Thursday, February 27, 2014

Obama's Commandments

From hope to reality. [Link]
In The Nation, Karen Greenberg discerns 5 Commandments Obama proclaimed when he came into office in 2009. (I know, to characterize Obama's principles as "Commandments" is to put him in the role of God, but this is The Nation, and there's no self-awareness about gazing upon Obama as a God, only disappointment that he wasn't enough of a God.)
Thou shalt not torture.
Thou shalt not keep Guantánamo open.
Thou shalt not keep secrets unnecessarily.
Thou shalt not wage war without limits.
Thou shalt not live above the law.
Based on what Obama has done, Greenberg offers a rewrite:
Thou shalt not torture (but thou shalt leave the door open to the future use of torture).
Thou shalt detain forever.
Thou shalt live by limitless secrecy.
Thou shalt wage war everywhere and forever.
Thou shalt not punish those who have done bad things in the name of the national security state.
These 15, ::crash::, 10, 10 Commandments.

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