Monday, December 28, 2015

No Justice for Tamir Rice: Jury Will Not Indict Cops Who Killed Him

No Justice for Tamir Rice: Jury Will Not Indict Cops Who Killed Him
Until the laws change that allow cops to shoot anyone they fear this will continue. "Never mind that Loehmann was previously fired from a police department for incompetence with firearms. Never mind that he shot Rice the very second his car arrived at the teen’s location. Never mind that the officers prevented Rice’s sister from assisting him as he lay dying of a gunshot wound. Never mind that they did absolutely nothing to help him until an FBI agent happened upon the scene. The only thing that matters is whether Loehmann thought he was justified in killing Rice, and the law is such that no one is qualified to second-guess Loehmann’s decision except Loehmann himself. This is the level of deference we extend to police decision-making, and it is the reason the quest for justice in Rice’s unconscionable murder was doomed from the start."

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