Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Who Stole the Desk from My Hotel Room?

Who Stole the Desk from My Hotel Room?
Those darn Millennials. "Then I heard something that terrified me to my myopic, Marriott point loving soul … this was part of a chain wide redesign of rooms. No more desks. In any, or at least many, Marriotts. Seriously. Even full service Marriotts in business districts, work areas were out. How? Why? What the hell? This was suddenly the social justice cause of my life. I was finally moved to protest, ready to join my fellow business travelers and storm J.W. Marriott’s mansion in Utah chanting “Save Our Desks.” I was told this had to do with the habits of Millennials, who don’t use desks. [Insert “Millennials don’t do any work” jokes here.] They prefer rooms that are designed to “hang out” in and whatever work they do can be accomplished on their phone. Hence we have two beds and a couch but no chair or desk. You could say no desk means no cost of buying a desk, but the couch may be just as expensive. That said, any Millennial who celebrates that their bed is now officially multipurpose [work and sleep] is playing the fool Marriott expects them to be. The chain doesn’t suddenly “understand” them. They aren’t getting a better room. They are getting a cheaper and often smaller room. The bed was already there. Less is never more. It’s like when airline industry started stripping everything away."

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