Saturday, January 09, 2016

Why Obama’s Smart Gun Push Will Misfire

Why Obama’s Smart Gun Push Will Misfire
Why this will never happen. "I could go on, but my point should be clear by now: no gun owner who is serious about self defense, home defense, target shooting, or hunting will buy a smart gun voluntarily, because smart guns are critically dependent on electronics, and, once again, electronics fail. This is why there is no market for smart guns, and why the gun industry will not make these weapons. It’s not because gun makers are all heartless, macho jerks who think that safety is for sissies — they’re capitalists like everyone else, and will go where the money is. Gun makers don’t make smart guns because the shooting public knows that adding an electronic device to a gun that can prevent the gun from firing is a bad idea that makes the gun useless for any serious purpose."

1 comment:

bunny42 said...

Yeah, but he'll be able to say, "See? You wanted action, I did something and you aren't complying. That's not my fault." He only has to appear to have done something substantive. Nothing he's mandated will make one iota of difference, but he'll still brag about it. Man, we've still got another whole year of this.

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