I really love this bit on The West Wing by SteveD:
Scene: the Justice Alert has gone off.I also liked the ideas of how to pull current events into a game and how the government and society would react to superheroes. Many of those ideas would make the game far darker than I want to play in, though.
Josh (entering): What's going on?
CJ: The Washington Post is calling us fascists, a fifty foot T-rex is savaging Belize, and a meteor the size of Sheboygan is heading towards earth.
Josh: Do you actually know how big Sheboygan is?
CJ: Not off hand, no.
Josh: Okay then. Maybe we can look that up.
Toby (entering): Somebody paged me. Is it a meteor again?
Josh: Yeah.
Toby: Wow. Okay. What do we know?
Josh: We know it's the size of Sheboygan.
Toby: How big is that?
CJ: This is just what meterology told me, okay?
Josh: Do they know how big Sheboygan is?
Donna (entering): It's about forty-five miles across. (off their reaction) I looked it up when I saw it on the news.
Leo (entering): Alright people, we all heard the Trouble Alert. What do we know?
Josh: Amazingly, we know that Sheboygan is forty-five miles across.
Leo: Okay. I'll be sure to tell Superman that. What do we know that’s important?
Josh: I can talk to the Pentagon, maybe get some missiles...
Leo: Too slow. Sam?
Sam: I've been working on something up where the Flash could vibrate the meteor’s molecules into harmless pieces of dust.
Toby: You're thinking of the old Flash.
Sam: Okay, well I never got that memo.
Toby: I don't understand why we just don't send Superman! This is, strangely enough, exactly what he's supposed to do!
Leo: Toby, the human race is about to become extinct. This is not the time to debate Superhero policy.
Toby: No, this is exactly the time to debate it. We never debate it any other time! You know why? Because except for the meteors, we pretend supers don't exist in this country!
Leo: Toby -
Superman (entering dramatically): No, he's right, Leo. Superheroes are being taken for granted. And it's going to stop, right now.
Leo: I'm sorry, Mr Superman.
Superman: About what? About the meteor? Hate to break it to you, Leo, but I don't think you can take credit for that. Okay people, what have we got?
CJ: I have figures from meterology.
Superman: Hmm. The size of Sheboygan. Did you know Sheboygan is 45 miles across?
Josh: Yes sir.
Superman: Well, did you also know that it's the leading producer of woodcrafts in the northwest?
Josh: No sir.
Superman: Okay then. CJ, call the Pentagon and clear my air space. Toby, I'm going to need -
Toby: Heroic monologue. Yes sir.
Superman: Good man. And Toby?
Toby: Yes sir?
Superman: Don't call me a "super" again. I don't like it. It's demeaning.
Toby: Sorry sir.
Superman: That's all.
Toby: Thank you sir. (the staff leave)
Superman: (to Leo) Is he on decaf again?
Leo: I'll talk to the cafeteria.
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