Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cardreader woes

The previous post with pictures was a pain to make. My computer has a card reader. I've used it before, so I know it works. I put the card from the camera in and ... nothing. Darn. I remember having problems before, but I don't remember what I did to fix it. I shut down and opened the case, disconnected it and rebooted. The shut down, reconnected and rebooted. Drives appear. Aha! Put the card in. Nothing. Double click the drive icon. Error message and the drives disappear. Darn. Open the case again. Repeat disconnect/reconnect to get them back. Start checking properties, the event log, nothing. Then I remember to check the services. Hmm, Removable Storage. Set to manual. I must have turned it off for some reason. Turn it to Automatic and put the card in. Aha! It works.

It's always a great feeling to solve a problem, but there is still the slightly bitter taste that I caused it in the first place.

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