Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Clockwork Orange and 1984 as Blueprint

Britain continues to treat A Clockwork Orange and 1984 as blueprints for society, not as cautionary tales. [Link]

There aren’t just a few bad apples in a huge barrel of good ones — there are lots of “juveniles”, in chronological age from their pre-teens to well into their 30s, who are out of control and know that the justice system will do little to control them. The police are generally useless in dealing with them, issuing “cautions” if they even bother to show up to the crime scene and catch someone.

However, anyone who chooses to defend him- or herself is very likely to be arrested for assault, regardless of whether the person or propery is private, public, or in his or her very own house. The Labour government has successfully stamped out of the system any notion of self-defense or dealing effectively with actual criminals — the legal focus has now shifted to making sure wage-earning citizens keep their rubbish bins sorted properly, and their recylables int the proper box, and not don’t make it too heavy, and oh by the way don’t wear a hat in the pub because the surveillance camera can’t see your face. And damn you if you use an English measurement instead of a metric one. And don’t you dare say something about “Asians” even as the muslims are marching in the street calling for death to the infidels. And do like the one UK police chief advised: leave your car keys by the front door so when the thugs break it down, they can easily find them, and maybe they won’t climb the stairs to your bedroom and beat you senseless to give up the keys.

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