Friday, September 26, 2008

Sometimes the best action is none

It's beginning to look like the bailout in it's present form is not a good thing. [Link] Emphasis added.

In fact, some of the most basic details, including the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy.

"It's not based on any particular data point," a Treasury spokeswoman told Tuesday. "We just wanted to choose a really large number."

Wow. If it wants to see a bailout bill passed soon, the administration's going to have to come up with some hard answers to hard questions. Public support for it already seems to be waning. According to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Tuesday, 44% of those surveyed oppose the administration's plan, up from 37% Monday.

I see why congressional Republicans are hesitant to approve this. But that shouldn't stop the Democrats, they do have a majority (they keep acting like they don't) and could push this through. They don't want to vote on it unless they have the Republicans on board as a CYA so they can shift blame to them if it goes all pear shaped.

Now that there doesn't seem to be quite a panic to pass this, maybe cooler heads will prevail and there can be some thought put in to satisfy enough on both sides.

And maybe pigs will fly.

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