Monday, January 25, 2010

Global Temperature Cycling

This makes sense, more sense than the hockey stick graph anyways. [Link]

The red dot with the green arrow pointing to it is You Are Here 2009.

As you see it neatly accounts for the global cooling from ca. 1940 to ca. 1970 as well as for the "accelerated" warming since 1970.  (Since the cycle is going up AND the trendline is going up.)

It also nicely accounts for the leveling off of temperatures in the past ten years and the drop in the past two. Temperatures are of course still "high" [thank goodness], but that is because we're on a sine wave roller coater. The red dot is set to do some sliding downward for the next 20-30 years.

Hilaire Belloc once famously observed that we are always too impressed with the immediate past and are prone to project it unreflectively into the future.

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