Sunday, January 24, 2010

Government can't agree on which made up jobs number to use

Jobs saved or created. How do you measure that?  [Link]
The most cynical view of the discrepancy between three top Obama advisers coming up with three different numbers of 'saved or created' jobs on the same day is that they could not agree on which made up number to use. It does not help that the range is from 'thousands and thousands' to 'more then two million. It may be the most cynical, but it is also the most logical; three of the top people came up with numbers that had a range of two million for what you would think would be a pretty strait forward question. The truth is that they do not know; no one knows, which may really be the whole point. It looks pretty amateurish though that they can not get on the same page and work with a consistent 'estimate'.

"White House advisers appearing on the Sunday talk shows gave three different estimates of how many jobs could be credited to President Obama’s Recovery Act.

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