Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mixed Emotions

Torchwood pilot on Fox. Yay? [Link]
AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. Here is why this is a tremendously stupid idea:

1) It's Fox.
2) Torchwood is a Doctor Who spin-off. Doctor Who for all intents and purposes does not air in America.
3) Fox.
4) Torchwood succeeds on BBC; it will fail on Fox.
5) Because it's fucking Fox.
6) Even if the U.S. version keeps John Barrowman -- which is no guarantee -- I'll be shocked if they keep Gwen.Torchwood will lose most of its original flavor. And if they do keep Gwen, she'll be relegated to a peripheral character so there can be some blond American bimbo as the female lead.
7) FOX
8) When it fails on Fox, there's no guarantee it'll be able to come back to BBC. Fox might destroy Torchwoodforever.

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