Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why are we holding them to a lesser standard of behavior?

Koran burning pastor jailed (then released) in Michigan before planned protest at mosque. [Link]
And you might still say that given the almost-saintly status that Dr. King enjoys among the American people that it is a little obscene to give Pastor Jones that status.  I admit I have made no great study of Pastor Jones as a person, or his opinions, because I consider it profoundly irrelevant to the discussion.  But that being said, if you don’t like Jones’ message you should be infuriated by the actions of the Michigan authorities tonight.  If they had done nothing Jones would have probably done his protest, and more than likely there would have been at worst a few heated words.  And then two weeks later everyone would have forgotten.
Instead their actions have thrown a spotlight on Dearborn’s problem with freedom, and put a megaphone in Pastor Jones’ hands.  They have forced people who otherwise would not have supported the man to consider him a sympathetic figure.  And all on the theory that apparently Muslims are uniquely incapable of controlling their anger when offended.

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