Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why Wonkette Self-destructed

because the Trig Palin hit piece. [Link]
Liberal blogger, Tommy Christopher of Mediate, hit it out of the park when he wrote the following with regard to this disgusting piece of filth:
Hey, that’s really funny, calling Trig a gentleman scholar because he has Down Syndrome. And the speculation that Todd Palin may have raped his daughter? Pure comedy gold. You know what will be even funnier? The first time Jack Stuef runs into Todd Palin. That one practically writes its own punchline.
Now, if drawing the ire of the Twitterverse–as well as conservative bloggers everywhere (and a few liberal bloggers)–wasn’t bad enough, Wonkette has wound up losing a total of nine advertisers thus far. So, the question is, why would Wonkette engage in such hateful and self-destructive behavior? Well, there are actually three reasons, and if you will bear with me, I will thoroughly explain them all to you.
1.) Many liberals’ favorite pastime seems to be hating Sarah Palin.
I have written a lot in the past about liberals’ love-affair with hating Sarah Palin. For instance, I’m sure that many of you are aware of the mainstream media’s immediate, hateful leap to blame Sarah Palin and the Tea Party for Jared Lee Loughner’s murder spree in Arizona back in January. The liberal MSM blamed her because she had a target map putting certain districts in the “crosshairs”….but wait, that fell apart because the Democrats had a similar target map for the 2010 elections. Then, it was because she used incendiary language like, “Don’t retreat, just reload”….but wait, liberals conveniently forgot that Barack Obama had said, “If they bring a knife, we bring a gun”. So, in a nutshell, liberals were reduced to arguing, “We hate Sarah Palin because she exists; therefore, she must have inspired some far-left, paranoid schizophrenic–who never even saw her target map–to commit mass murder.” Pathetic.
Now, liberals’ hatred of all things Sarah Palin has also included her family, as well as her uterus, for some time now. Last December, I wrote a piece titled, “Sarah Palin Makes Liberals Act Like Weirdos” where I documented how Bill Maher called Bristol Palin a “Hillbilly Heroine”, how Sandra Bernhard called Bristol Palin a “hooker”, how Kathy Griffin called Bristol Palin “fat” in front of a group of US soldiers (who promptly booed her), how screenwriter Aaron Sorkin compared Sarah Palin to Michael Vick for hunting a caribou, how Andrew Sullivan attacked sixteen year old Willow Palin for her Facebook postings, and finally, how Andrew Sullivan has gone on a two year long crusade to prove that Trig Palin is not really Sarah Palin’s son.
So, the question is why have so many mainstream liberals turned hatred of all things Sarah Palin into a creepy spectator sport? Simple. First of all, because they can. (Who is going to call them on it–the MSM? Don’t make me laugh.) Second of all, because many liberals see conservative women (as well as conservative African-Americans) as traitors, or as “suffering from Stockholm Syndrome” (to quote Janeane Garofalo). I recently wrote a column where I explained how feminism is not really about standing up for women’s rights any more, but is currently more about political correctness, multiculturalism and making sure that women check all the right boxes with their belief system (pro-abortion–check, pro-multiculturalism–check)–and, Sarah Palin refuses to check any of the boxes that liberals want checked.

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