Monday, August 24, 2015

The Hugos, Now with No Mask to Hide Behind

Classy. "That was nowhere to be found at the Hugo Awards ceremony on Saturday, however. The vitriol was shocking, even when I expected it; I expected it, but hoped to be proven wrong. After last year, when this crowd raised a hue and cry because an MC might have told a tasteless joke, I expected at least some effort to stay neutral. Instead, they insulted a religion they disagreed with (and not even a Western or Christian denomination, not that that would have been acceptable either), claimed to be endorsed by Daleks (which, to the geek crowd, is the same as saying you want to destroy everyone but those who think exactly like yourselves), and stated the only proper response to the results is applause. Now, that last one I heard about (I didn’t watch the ceremony live; I went to bed at a normal-person hour for once) and expected it to be the normal order-in-the-court admonition. However, it wasn’t the acceptable, in fact laudable, rebuke that an awards ceremony is not the place for booing (which it isn’t) and that those who have disagreements can air them afterward in appropriate forums. No, it was a firm claim that the only appropriate response was to cheer the fact that a group wanted to shut down certain award categories lest someone they disagreed with be allowed to take home a trophy."
The Hugos, Now with No Mask to Hide Behind

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