Friday, February 12, 2016

Ayn Rand Cursed A Guy's Dick So Bad He Moved To LA

Ayn Rand Cursed A Guy's Dick So Bad He Moved To LA
Ayn Rand was messed up. "Cut to a bunch of years later and Nathaniel Blumenthal (who later changed his name to Nathaniel Branden so he could HAVE THE WORD RAND IN HIS NAME), a besotted teenage fan, writes Ayn a mash note in high school because he loved her work. A couple of years later, he ends up in New York City, and she calls him back. “Hi, teenage fan, you seem grown, what’s going on? Oh, getting married? Would you like, I don’t know, some witnesses to attend the ceremony?” So Ayn and Frank watch Nate get married, and then Ayn sits everyone down, and says, “So, it’s obvious that Nate and I are going to have an affair. And I think it’s fair if we ask for one afternoon and one evening a week. Just wanted to keep everything above board. We have the same principles, so…you know. Obviously we were going to have to do it.” (Frank, by the way, drank himself to death. No reason.) And that is how things went along for a long time! Until eventually, sometime around Ayn’s 60th birthday, she finds out that Nathaniel has taken up with a woman closer to his own age named Patrecia Scott Wynand. WYNAND. As in Gail Wynand from AYN RAND’S THE FOUNTAINHEAD. EVEN NATE’S NEW MISTRESS HAD NAMED HERSELF AFTER AN AYN RAND CHARACTER. THIS IS AN OUROBOROS OF FUCKERY."

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