Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Huh? After Iowa as N.H. looms, Clinton has 411 delegates to Sanders’ 34

Huh? After Iowa as N.H. looms, Clinton has 411 delegates to Sanders’ 34
The game is rigged. "“Among the many differences between the parties in delegate selection is the number of automatic delegate slots each party reserves for party or elected officials. Although the Republican Party designates as automatic delegates the three members of the Republican National Committee from each state, the term “superdelegate” has generally been used in reference to a group of unpledged Democratic Party delegates. During the 2012 election cycle, the media referred to the automatic RNC delegates to the convention as superdelegates as well. The Democratic Party superdelegates are designated automatically and are not required to make known their presidential candidate or uncommitted preference, in contrast to all the other elected delegates. They include all Democratic Party Members of Congress and governors; members of the Democratic National Committee; distinguished party members, who include former Presidents and Vice Presidents, former Democratic leaders of the Senate, Speakers of the House, and minority leaders; and former chairs of the Democratic National Committee.”(pg. 19) So former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton will cast extra votes as will Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). However the caucuses and primaries go with voters, each national party still holds power over who ends up with the nomination. Neither party has a simple method, but for Dems, the method is almost incomprehensible for the average voter." The massive amount of Democrat superdelegates appears to be to prevent the 'wrong' person getting nominated. If the nomination starts to goes the wrong way, they will be able to throw their weight behind the right candidate.

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