Saturday, December 10, 2016

Inside The NFL's Tobacco-Style Strategy To Hook Your Kids

Inside The NFL's Tobacco-Style Strategy To Hook Your Kids
Hooking them young. "What makes Chris Golic so effective is that she doesn’t come across like a salesperson. She truly does not believe that she is doing the league’s bidding. “I’m a mom and your kids are everything to you and I would never want to sell parents something for a company to make money,” she says. She isn’t going to argue with people who say football is unsafe, or who would prefer their children to play other sports. But she will speak—at length and with passion—about her family and her choice to let her kids play. “If I ever thought there was information out there that was going to change my opinion on what I am talking to moms about, I would for sure reevaluate my position,” she told me. But that’s not going to happen. We talked all about how harmful football can be. She knows the risks. Chris Golic made her choice and, coincidentally, she made it based on emotion. When I asked her if she understood the criticism that the Moms Clinics were selling a dangerous game to parents, she said people could “spin it that way.” She then added that she knows it’s not true because the people involved in the program have good intentions. How does she know that? “I call myself the kind of person who follows her gut.”"

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