Friday, January 13, 2017

Cory Booker should rejoice that the Trump show stepped all over his anti-Sessions tirade.

Cory Booker should rejoice that the Trump show stepped all over his anti-Sessions tirade.
Empty testimony that delivered the opposite of what was intended. "Throughout this entire sequence, I was waiting for Booker to get into the record and start persuading us that the record really justifies this conclusion. That never happened. And as I read the text this morning, I can see that Booker's beef is that Sessions is too much of a humble servant, taking the law seriously and doing what it requires. Booker is demanding something most of us don't want: an Attorney General who takes sides. Booker wants someone who has favorites that he will defend and support. He's saying he wants someone biased, impassioned, and politicized. And Sessions is not that man. If you pay attention and think, it works — for most people — as an endorsement of Sessions."

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