Friday, January 27, 2017

What happened to our media?

What happened to our media?
Things that are too good to check, need to be checked. The need for clicks by makes people print half of a story that furthers an agenda or creates outrage. "Consider actor George Takei’s hysterical tweet about the removal of the Obama White House website pages about climate change, LGBT issues, health care, etc., which was quickly picked up by his huge online following full of heartache and angst about how Trump is a horrible person who removed all “progress” over the past eight years! As PolitiFact pointed out, Uncle George, while technically correct, failed to provide additional context to his followers, and morons happy to have their confirmation bias stroked about what a horrible person Trump is, ran with it. But it’s important to keep in mind that when the Obama administration handed the domain to Trump’s team, it was a blank slate. All of the online content published during Obama’s term was purged and archived. They’re now available on a website set up by the National Archives, as was done at the end of the Clinton and Bush administrations. Did George Takei have an agenda? Indubitably. Did he intentionally ignore context in order to foment frothing hatred among his followers, or was he merely negligent? Who knows? But sites such as, queerty, and pinknews were only too happy to promote the “homophobic Trump” narrative, ignoring the fact that Trump – for all his other faults – is the only president who took office as being on the record as supporting gay marriage and the only one of the entire GOP primary field who proudly stated in April 2016 that transgender people should be able to use whatever bathrooms they see fit. On the conservative side, I had to smack down folks who clutched their pearls at this report by some outfit called militaryoneclick, that claimed “OH NOEZ! MILITARY FAMILY SUPPORT PAGE IS GONE FROM THE WHITE HOUSE WEBSITE!” Yeah, OK imbeciles. See above."

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