Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump

Why The Resistance Is The Best Thing That's Happened To Donald Trump
Pace yourselves and pick your battles. "The average Resistance fighter might dislike Trump. They hate conservatism. By treating even the most milquetoast, run-of-the-mill cabinet nominee as Worst Thing That Has Ever Happened to America, The Resistance gives conservatives the space to defend long-standing political positions such as school choice, immigration enforcement, and deregulation. I imagine many Republicans would happily hand over the scalp of more Michael Flynns if it meant creating a more stable and experienced administration. But they also understand that people who treat DeVos like a bigger threat to the republic than Steve Bannon will never be placated. Those who spend weeks after the election acting like the Electoral College was some kind trick pulled on the country are not interested in “rule of law.” They’re interested in Democrats. Last week, when the president tactlessly attacked the Ninth Circuit Court on Twitter, the mantra was “Trump doesn’t respect the law!” — even though Democrats had spent eight years attacking the Supreme Court over Citizens United. By Monday, when we learned that there was a deportation uptick (there probably wasn’t) of illegal immigrants, the mantra had changed to “Trump is upholding the law!” (Do Democrats believe enforcing the law horrifies most voters? Do they really believe a temporary ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries that are terror-producing nations is as cut and dry an issue as it looks on their Twitter feeds?) These days, “the law” means “policy positions liberals like.” As Thomas Sowell says, there are no ideal solutions, only tradeoffs. Trump brings an array of obvious and problematic issues with him to the presidency that may one day make his presidency untenable for Republicans. The Resistance, though, offers them absolutely nothing."

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