This is disappointing. [
Earlier reports focused solely on college students; the new study expands the focus and concludes Americans across all economic, educational and political/social backgrounds are equally lacking. Among findings:
• 71% earn an F; the average score was 49%. Ages 25 to 34 had an average score of 46%; ages 45 to 64 had a 52% average. Of 164 respondents who say they have held elected office, 44% was average.
• Those with bachelor's degrees had an average score of 57% vs. 44% for those with a high-school diploma. The average score for advanced degree-holders inches up to 65%, or a D.
• Civic knowledge declines in proportion to time spent using passive media, such as TV. Reading and talking about history and current events, using the Internet and being involved in political activities has a positive effect.
You can take the quiz
here, I got 32 out of 33 correct. Score breakdown [
The Average Nationwide Grade on the Civic Literacy Test is an “F” |
Americans nationwide fail the civic literacy test, scoring an average of 49%, or an “F.” This table shows the average score achieved by various groups. |
Overall average | Mean score for all surveyed | 49% | Score by age | 18 to 24 | 47 | 25 to 34 | 46 | 35 to 44 | 49 | 45 to 64 | 52 | 65+ | 46 | Score by Gender | Male | 52 | Female | 45 | Score by Race/Ethnicity | White | 51 | Black | 40 | Hispanic | 38 | Asian | 42 | Multiracial | 49 | Other | 42 | Score by Marital Status | Married | 51 | Single | 48 | Divorced or separated | 47 | Almost 40% of Americans falsely believe the president has the power to declare war.
| |
Score by Parental Status |
Has one child or more | 48% |
Has no children | 50 |
Score by Income |
Less then $30,000 | 40 |
$30,000 to $50,000 | 46 |
$50,000 to $75,000 | 51 |
$75,000 to $100,000 | 55 |
$100,000+ | 55 |
Score by Party Identification |
Democrat | 45 |
Republican | 52 |
Independent | 52 |
Other | 46 |
Score by Political ideology |
Liberal | 49 |
Moderate | 51 |
Conservative | 48 |
Score by Military Service |
Active or reserve | 51 |
Never served | 48 |
Score by Church Attendance |
More than once a week | 48 |
Once a week | 48 |
Once or twice a month | 49 |
Seldom | 51 |
Never | 50 |
1 comment:
Huh. You geeks really know your civics. Sean got the same score you did, while I, on the other hand, missed 10.... Still way above average, but, honestly, that's not very good. I'm chastened.
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