Monday, November 24, 2008

What if we had listened to Peter Schiff?

Back in 2006, Peter Schiff was warning us like Cassandra about the coming economic storm. He wasn't listened to either. [Link]

I wonder what the other blowhard pundits seen here have to say about making fun of Euro Pacific Capital president Peter Schiff's accurate predictions in 2006 and 2007 about the economic meltdown and its causes? (Ben Stein should probably stick to his subject of expertise, which is claiming that "science leads you to killing people")

This video sequence offers a compendium of appearances (covering the 2006-2007 period) by Euro Pacific Capital president Peter Schiff, who is a frequent -- and frequently disrespected -- talking head on cable news shows. What astonishes is not just the accuracy of his dour predictions about the economy but the sheer arrogance of every other person appearing on these programs.

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