Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving some power back to the states

The Repeal Amendment. It would give the states back some of the power they lost after Senators stopped being agents of the states and became directly elected by the people. The unintended consequence of that was that unfunded mandates have become common and the states can't stop them. [Link]

“The language of the proposal is very clear,” Moran said in a phone interview. “It’s not specific to healthcare, and you need two-thirds of the states to approve that a resolution would be repealed. So, whatever would be repealed would have to have a large majority of the American people on board.”
Cantor cites national discontent with several facets of the Obama administration as his reasoning for support for such an amendment, though.
“In just the past few years, Washington has assumed more control over our economy and the private sector through excessive regulations and unprecedented mandates. Our liberty and freedom has lessened as the size and scope of the federal government has exploded,” Cantor said. “Massive expenditures like the stimulus, unconstitutional mandates like the takeover of health care, and intrusions into the private sector like the auto-bailouts have threatened the very core of the American free market.”

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