Tuesday, August 07, 2012

People Without Facebook Accounts Are 'Suspicious.'

People have many valid, good reasons for not joining. It has nothing to do with having anything to hide. [Link]
Increasingly, it’s expected that everyone is on Facebook in some capacity. The idea that a Facebook resister is a potential mass murderer, flaky employee, and/or person who struggles with fidelity is obviously flawed, but it seems that a negative assumption is starting to arise about those who reject the Big Blue Giant’s siren call. Continuing to navigate life without having this digital form of identification may be like trying to get into a bar without a driver’s license.


bunny42 said...

Busted! I read all the comments to the article, and no one mentioned the aspect that caused me to delete my account when it was only 5 or 6 hours old. Having given FB exactly zero info about me or my past, it still managed to contact nearly 100 of my "friends" to inform them that I had an account. I got friend requests from people I hadn't even thought about in years, plus lots of their friends, etc. etc. All FB needed was my email address. Never mind that I had not provided my address book. FB just searched its own database of address books, and everywhere my email address showed up, it notified the owner of that address list that I now had an account. Insidious. And frightening, to me.

I gather from the article that I am not, in fact, the only person left in the Western World without a FB account. That's comforting.

Unknown said...

If anything it strengthens my argument. The fact that most of those “poor” 6 billion people are living their lives, just fine without facebook or other social drug is a testament that not everyone needs it, including those that are “rich” with internet access. You will know them by their fruits. Facebook is so happy with this kind of article but I still won't swayed to open a facebook account. I am free.

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