Tuesday, February 04, 2014

A good start

This bad cop fired. Too bad he will almost certainly be rehired by another police department where he can abuse his authority and if called on it, lie about it. [Link]
"Your ill-advised actions also play to some of the most basic fears among some citizens, which is that a police officer may indiscriminately exercise his or her power in violation of their rights," Urquharts discipline letter continues. He explains people fear that "in the event of a complaint, the officer will just deny the allegations and 'circle the wagons' with his or her fellow officers with the expectation they will take care of their own. In a matter of minutes, your actions violated the trust that we, as a department, spend years trying to build and maintain."
Saulet and his union fought the decision. They argued the investigation was a "witch hunt," according to the sheriff's termination letter, and that Saulet did nothing wrong. After Saulet's commander and the deputy sheriff recommended termination, Saulet appealed their recommendation in what's called a Loudermill hearing before the sheriff. Saulet and his union, called the King County Police Officers' Guild, further argued that investigators asked leading questions and that "none of the witness statements are consistent."
"This is an overstatement," says Urquhart in his discipline letter to Saulet. "There are some inconsistencies to be sure, but no more or less than is typical of most police investigations: The most comprehensive and fundamental conflict was between Mr. Holden's statement and yours, and the other statements provided substantially more support for him than you on key points." Responding to the "witch hunt" claim, which the union made based on the fact that there was a particularly large investigation file, Urquhart says that "the density of the file, however, favorably reflects the thoroughness of the investigation. If the department in general, or I or the investigator in particular, were 'hunting' for a reason to take action against you, we would not have made such a substantial effort to collect and carefully review all relevant circumstances, including any and all that might have wholly or partly exculpated you or otherwise mitigate the circumstances."
Saulet and his union may try to appeal, but, as of today, Urquhart says they have not.
Saulet has long history of misconduct, with approximately 120 allegations against him and 21 cases of sustained misconduct (more than any other officer in the department). The sheriff's letter says that Saulet repeatedly was told to improve interactions with the public, and provided with remarkable investments of coaching and counseling. Saulet underwent three performance-improvement plans, two training sessions, and two multi-visit sessions with a social psychologist, coaching sessions with supervisors, and 80 hours of time off without pay. Saulet was demoted from sergeant to deputy for another incident in August.
For the record: I'm not gleeful that Saulet got fired, although it's welcome evidence that Urquhart takes complaints seriously. This incident—and my complaint—is not about me. After growing up in this town, I believe that certain cops regularly submit civilians (particularly racial minorities) to abusive treatment—much more abusive than what I faced here. Often, folks don't complain, and when they do, the record shows, bad cops are often wholly or partially exonerated, even when they're guilty. We know from a US Department of Justice investigation that Seattle cops have a practice of using excessive force, and we know from internal audits that the King County Sheriff's Office has had problems disciplining bad cops. So now, more than ever, I think citizens should complain if they encounter hostile, unconstitutional, or violent policing. Sheriff Urquhart has only been in office about one year. Again, it's good to see him taking complaints against problem cops seriously. Most cops are not problem cops. Most work hard and keep us safe. It's miserable that abusive cops ruin those good cops' reputations, and if we're going to get from here to a place where the public trusts the police more, it will require police brass continuing to punish the bad apples, as Urquhart has done.
Urquhart added that I was "treated no differently than other people" who file complaints. His decision to terminate Saulet was not because I'm a reporter and editor at a newspaper, he said. "We would do exactly the same with anyone making these allegations." Urquhart has fired other deputies accused of misconduct.

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