Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Absorbascon Rocks!

Two very cool items:

1. The National Periodicals Table of Story Elements
Awesome. Just awesome.

2. The Shape of Things To Come
What is the layout of the 52 universes and why is New Earth the linchpin?
According to, well, me, the "initial point" at the rightmost part of Figure 1 represents "New Earth". On the one hand, it's a dot just like all the rest; on the other hand, it's the one dot that is found on each of the successive decagons. It represents the first degree of the decagonal figurate series; it is the first among equals. Q. E. D.!

The two dots adjacent to "New Earth" are, of course, "Earth 1" and "Earth 2". They are conceptually closest to New Earth. Together, those three earths are the basis for the "inner circle" of earths, which includes the most familiar ones.

Maybe it'll be easier if I just show it to you...

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