Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Trying to snatch defeat from victory?

I would think the Democrats would be able to nominate almost any competent nominee and win the 2008 election, but if they only pander to their far left, they can't win the election. They need to appeal more to me, an Independent. The middle is where the election is won, the base comes along for the ride.
Bill Clinton will be there. So will 300 officeholders from more than 45 states. But one thing will be missing when Democrats gather in Tennessee this weekend to discuss how to appeal to moderate, independent-minded voters in 2008: the Democratic presidential field.

Not a single one of the eight presidential candidates plans to attend the Democratic Leadership Council's summer meeting, a snub that says less about the centrist DLC than it does about a nomination process that rewards candidates who pander to their parties' hardened cores while ignoring everybody else.

Democrats aren't the only ones with problems:
Democratic candidates are moving to the left, Republicans to the right, as they target partisan voters.

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