Friday, January 22, 2010

Obama: Expectations for Middle East peace too high

Wow, what an understatement. [Link]

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama says his administration overestimated its ability to persuade the Israelis and Palestinians to resume meaningful peace talks.
Obama says both parties have been unwilling to make the bold gestures needed to move the process forward. If the U.S. had anticipated that earlier, Obama says he might not have raised his expectations so high.
Obama says the U.S. will continue to work toward a two-state solutionin which Israel is secure and the Palestinians have sovereignty. His remarks came in an interview with Time Magazine published Thursday.
Someone has not paid attention to the Middle East, ever.


bunny42 said...

Just one more shining example that proves you can say anything you want during the campaign, as long is it's what the Great Unwashed want to hear. Like, for instance, that deliberations will be televised on C-Span. That was a very popular "promise," too.

As for Israel, I never understood why so many Jewish constituents bought into the stuff he was spouting. I wonder how they think this is working out for them.

Jeff said...

But remember, they are SO much smarter than Bush.

Who looks smart now?

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