Friday, October 29, 2010

You might be a Marxist

Yeehaw. [Link]

So, with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, let me disabuse them of their false consciousness:
If you believe, as the president does, that “it’s good for everyone when we spread the wealth around,” you might be a Marxist.
If you believe that “the rich” don’t “need” tax rate reductions, you might be a Marxist.
If you believe that, at some point, other people have “made enough money,” you might be a Marxist.
If you believe that we have to “keep people in their homes,” even when they have never had any equity in them, and despite the fact that they can’t afford the mortgage and the market is not being allowed to clear, then you might be a Marxist.
If you believe that there is a floor on the value of everyone’s labor, and it is a single number applicable in every state of the union, regardless of the cost of living, then you might be a Marxist.
If you believe that handing someone who pays no taxes a government check is a “tax cut,” you might be a Marxist.
If you believe that the government should pay the “prevailing local wage” on government projects, you might be both a Marxist and a racist, since Davis-Bacon was instituted to shut lower-paid minorities out of such projects.
If you believe that unemployment checks are the surest, fastest way to stimulate the economy, you might be a Marxist.
If you believe that the capital gains tax should be increased, even though it would result in reduced government revenue, because that’s what is required for “fairness,” you might be a Marxist.
If you believe that you know better than someone else what they “need,” and are willing to impose your belief on them at gunpoint and force them to purchase it, and not allow them to purchase things that theythink they need, then you just might be a Marxist, too.


bunny42 said...

What does that last refer to? Impose your belief at gunpoint? I'm missing something, here.

As for the rest, was there ever any doubt?

Jeff said...

The government has the power to force you at metaphorical (and real) gunpoint to do what it wants you to do.

The first 'it' referred in the last item is ObamaCare, where you don't get to choos to opt out if you don't want or need it.

The other is any item that they have decided is too dangerous or unhealthy or too fattening for those who they consider too dumb to be responsible adults. We are children who need to be led by the elite.

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